
This is my third year project on Kibera, one of the largest slums in the world. Kibera is a slum in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. With hundreds of thousands of people squeezed inside such a small space it is no wonder Kibera faces dozens of problems. Despite this the slum shows a remarkable sense of community that is not seen in any western world countries. Throughout this project I will be addressing various aspects of Kibera as a slum including: It’s location (section 1), What life is like for people in Kibera i.e: living conditions, daily life (section 2), Urban problems in Kibera (section 3) and finally are there any solutions to these Urban problem, how can we improve life for the people living in these slums? What projects are already underway? (section 4)

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy.

Thomas Harley

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